Future Event – Details to Follow
Tuesday 25 March 2025 at 7.30pm at Gloucestershire Archives
Railways of Sharpness Speaker: Mike Smith
Tuesday 25 February 2025 at 7.30pm at Gloucestershire Archives
‘Grist to Healings Mill’ – Tewkesbury’s Historical Cadaver
Speaker: John Dixon, President of Tewkesbury Local History Society

“Opened by Samual Healing in 1865, this seven-storey corn mill contained 12 pairs of milling stones. In 1885, Carters Automatic Roller System was installed, which made this mill one of the largest roller mills in the area. Steam power ceased in the 1950s and in 1997 new equipment, much of it from Barrons of Gloucester, was installed.
The mill was extended in 1889, 1935 and 1980.” (GSIA guide, ‘Exploring Gloucestershire’s Industrial Heritage’).
Many members will remermber the grain barges of Healings tied up at the quay next to the mill. A few of the more senior members might recall the rail connection to the mill.
In 2006 Healings Mill closed and has been vacant since then while its redevelopment is discussed.
Tuesday, 28 January 2025 at 7.30pm on Zoom.
Stourbridge Glass – A History
In 2012, Stourbridge celebrated the 400th anniversary of the start of the glass industry in the area. Stourbridge Crystal was renowned the world over. Why Stourbridge? Who were these skilled craftsmen? It should be an interesting evening.
Our speaker is Dr Kate Round, Outreach Presenter & Tour Guide for Dudley Museum Service at Red House Glass Cone.
Tuesday 10 December 2024 at 7.15pm for 7.30pm (by Zoom)
The National Library of Scotland Maps Website: Past, Present and Future

Our speaker is Chris Fleet who holds the position of Map Curator at the National Library of Scotland (NLS). Chris set up and still manages the excellent “Map Images” section of the NLS website that many of us use regularly.
The talk will be in two parts. To start with we will hear briefly about the NLS’s extensive paper map collection of which over 200,000 maps have been digitised and are now online. The target is to eventually have a staggering half a million maps online and we will hear about the processes and highly specialised equipment they use. A number of groups are using the resource in a wide variety of projects and a few of these will be mentioned.
The final part of the talk will be a live demonstration of some of the key features of the website. This will be followed by a chance to put any questions to Chris that you might have. It should be a very interesting and informative evening.
The link to the talk will be sent out to Members on Monday 9 December. Please note that we are opening up the meeting to members of groups that belong to the Gloucestershire Local History Association. To give priority to our members we will be advising you login in 7.10pm onwards whereas the other groups will be given a time.nearer 7.30pm
We also have a Summer Programme