To search the database fill in at least one of the three search boxes and then click on ‘submit search’.

However please bear in mind the limitations on what you can enter into the search boxes.

(1) Site number input box

 if the site number is known, this can be input into this box (valid range 1000-1166). N.B. if you enter a site number than any input in the parish and keyword input boxes will be ignored.

(2) Parish input box

Choose a parish from the drop down menu or use “All”.

(3) Keywords input box

Searches may be made using one or or more single keywords (e.g. pump house) and phrases (in double quotes e.g. “stop lock”).   Use the usual three operators [and , or, not] between single keywords and phrases to limit the range of the search.  If you do not put an “and” or “or” between items then an “and” is automatically assumed.  You can also use brackets (…..), to group items e.g. (Dubridge or Wallbridge) and lock.

Searches are case insensitive (i.e. lower case letters will match both upper case (capital) and lower case letters.

Wild cards are automatically inserted at the beginning and end of the search terms.

Keywords will match all words containing the keyword, e.g. man will match   man, Manning, trowman etc.

Please email us with any comments or corrections.

Search page